1. You can't use all the oil products at the same time.
2. You need to wear protective glasses, and you can't look flashing light in your eyes.
3. the body surface scar, fragile skin or light sensitive skin please use carefully.
4. When the skin is slightly red, it is normal for you to apply ice or self-apply.
5. The use of light sensitive drugs (e.g. tetracycline, sulfa, etc.) is not recommended.
6. It is recommended that the higher the gear position, the better the effect, starting with the first gear, without damaging the skin.
7. There is a risk of delayed response, and there should be no increase in gear because the immediate response is not obvious.
8. The operation pays attention to the skin's tonic sunscreen; to avoid ultraviolet radiation exposure, go out to do a good sun protection, coated isolation cream, and sunscreen protection.
9. Avoid makeup after use. Products with high chemical composition should be hydrated and hydrated by plants.