1. Domain Name

2. Select product

3. Think of a name (company, product, brand), design a logo

10 simple steps to build your own business

Building a business is no easy feat. While the wildly successful tech businesses are the most celebrated ones, the reality is that most businesses, successful or not, are smaller, service businesses. 

Here are 10 simple steps you can use to build your own business:

1. Domain Name

2. Select product

3. Think of a name (company, product, brand), design a logo

4. Find Chinese suppliers

5. Sales forecast

6. Purchase required products

7. Build an online store

8. Take Product Photos

9. Publicity and promotion

10. Start selling

Final. Analyze customers


1. Domain name selection

In the domain name market, the transaction price and transaction volume of old domain names are generally much higher than that of new domain names, and domain name buyers tend to buy old domain names rather than new ones.


New domain name: relatively young website, the company has been registered for a few years, and it is not easy for customers to trust


Old domain name: registered for a long time, such as in 1995, and then build a new website, pretending to be an old company, the old domain name is generally old, has the history of building the website and snapshots included in Baidu, and has a high pr value and a large number of backlinks , has higher traffic; and these are advantages that the new domain name does not have.  

Whois, in simple terms, is a database used to query whether a domain name has been registered, as well as the details of the registered domain name (such as the domain name owner, domain name registrar, domain name registration date and expiration date, etc.). Through the domain name Whois server query, you can query the contact information of the domain name owner, as well as the registration and expiration time


Why do people love old domain names?


Old domain names are collected quickly


The indexing speed of the old domain name is fast, it can be indexed within 24 hours, and there is no need to submit it to the search engine; for enterprises, after the website is established, the search engine can quickly index the website pages, which can bring a lot of traffic and users to the enterprise.


The old domain name search engine will be more trusted


Generally, if a new domain name is used for these websites, because it involves a lot of sensitive keywords, it is very likely that Google or other search engines will not include it. But using the old domain name is different, because the old domain name has existed for a long time, and search engines will also trust it more.


If you want to buy some old domain names, you can consider squatting the corresponding domain name first, such as the domain name that will be dropped in the near future, through screening (the screening here is mainly by finding the corresponding terminal to screen), and find the domain name you want .


Explanation on the implementation of the domain name expiration deletion rule:

International Domain Name:


(1) The resolution will be suspended on the expiry day. If the fee is not renewed within 72 hours, the DNS of the domain name will be modified to point to the advertisement page (parked). The domain name retention period is 30-45 days after the domain name expires (different registrar policies stipulate different times)


(2) After the retention period, the domain name will enter the redemption period (REDEMPTIONPERIOD, which lasts for 30 days)


After the redemption period, the domain name will enter a deletion period of about 5 days. After the deletion period, the domain name will be open and anyone can register.



Domestic domain name:


(1) The resolution will be suspended on the expiry day. If the fee is not renewed within 72 hours, the DNS of the domain name will be modified to point to the advertisement page (parked). Within 35 days, the fee can be automatically renewed.


(2) 36-48 days after the expiration date, a 13-day high-price redemption period will be entered, during which the domain name cannot be managed.


If the fee is not renewed after 48 days after expiration, the domain name will be deleted at any time.



2. Select product


The first step is to choose a large market: 


If the industry you are in is a top market, that is, a market that conforms to the 721 rule: the first place occupies 70% of the market share, the second place occupies 20% of the market share, and the rest of the entrepreneurs share the remaining 10% % of the shares, entrepreneurs in such industries should enter with caution. This is a capital and talent-intensive industry, and it is difficult for ordinary entrepreneurs to play.


For example, in catering and beauty, because the market is scattered, it is difficult for one company to occupy most of the market. Everyone has corresponding customers and audiences according to their own characteristics. This industry can be well-off, difficult to get rich.


The second step is to choose a product:


The product is easy to sell and the demand is high. Such products can quickly make us money, right?


What to sell can be based on the following categories of products:


1. Children's educational products 2. Women's beauty products 3. Men's lust products 4. Elderly health products 5. Education and learning products



These five types of products are in great demand and have a very high repurchase rate. You can choose the product that suits you according to these situations.


Practical issues to consider when choosing a product:


Will the selected product have a higher repurchase rate? In this way, as long as one customer is sold, it may be sold in batches.


Is the product quality excellent? Is it competitive with similar products?


How difficult is the marketing promotion stage?


Is the product profit margin sufficient?



4 Points to pay attention to when selecting products:


Point 1: Don't think about selling something like there are no other products on the market.


What does that mean? That is, there is no such product in the market. It was invented by you. This product has just been developed, and no one recognizes it and accepts it. So, when you do it, it will be difficult, so you must avoid this unless you are super powerful and not bad for money. Then you can do it.


If we have limited financial strength and various capabilities, we should not choose such a particularly unpopular product, which is not sold by other products, because the risk is too great.


The suggestion is that you find a good product that has already been sold in the market, because in this way you can ensure 100% market demand, and you can ensure the lowest risk, and in this way you only need to consider how to tap the selling point of your product, which is better than your peers. Sell ​​the product and you can make money.


Point 2: Choose a product with a good profit.


Profit is at least double the cost. For example, for a thing, the cost of the purchase price cannot be said to be the purchase price. It is the cost of your purchase plus the product, plus your personnel services, plus the store rent plus all marketing costs. Call this total cost.


Your profit should be doubled at this cost, that is, the total cost of 100 yuan is 100 yuan, and you must sell at least 200 yuan or more, because for the same effort, you will earn more, and at the same time With the support of good profits, you can have money to expand customers and maintain customer relationships, and you can do better in these areas. Otherwise, if you make some low-profit products, you will be passive and thankless. But anything with small profits but quick turnover is not suitable for individual entrepreneurs, we should not do it. Again, if you have the funds, strength and team, then you can choose.


Point 3: The back end must be long. High repurchase rate.


In a business, 99% of the profits come from the back-end. If you dont have a back-end, the trust you have built up will be wasted if you spend the cost and effort to get customers. You need to find customers every day. Every day starts from zero.


Therefore, when choosing products, you must choose products and projects that can sustain consumption or upgrade complementary consumption at the back end. If it is only a one-shot deal, unless one order can be eaten for three years, it is best not to do such a business. .


Point 3: If possible, try to link the products you sell with your projects and your interests and hobbies.


Because this can make your success rate higher, first of all, because of your own hobbies, you can understand the industry better, understand the psychology of target consumers better, and you can be more expert.

Secondly, choose your own interests and hobbies. You can treat your career as your life, your life as your career, and integrate your career with your life. Many entrepreneurial failures just cant persist, and they can often persevere well. Its not Because he insists on this business. But because he loves it.


Point 5: It is to choose this market with a trend. If you follow the trend, you will go farther and easier.


For example, the market will be very popular in the future. There are experience-based markets, customized markets, cultural and creative markets, specialized markets, enjoyment-oriented markets, and standardized function-enhanced markets. Can your products be linked to these? It's the best.




Select the market category, then select the sub-category you want to do, and determine a certain product


When choosing a product, choose a product with high profit, simple after-sales, popularization, high cost performance, high repurchase rate, fast money, and less trouble.


3. Think of a name (company, product, brand), design a logo

Determine the font, determine the logo


· Product-oriented, the design content can directly reflect the function or characteristics of the product, which is highly attractive;


· Audience-oriented, the design concept caters to the aesthetic preferences of specific consumer groups, and is highly recognizable;


· Based on artistic conception, the design content reflects the use environment or use state of the product, and the picture is strong;


· Based on creativity, the design is relaxed and the main body is not lost, and the artistic atmosphere is strong, which is conducive to the construction of the style;


· Based on the main body, directly use the names of people, places, books, etc. related to the brand as the brand name.


There is no difference between the above five design ideas, no matter which idea is adopted, it is possible to successfully create a brand effect. Moreover, these ideas can be taken into account, and it is no problem to consider both product features and creativity when naming.


However, it is worth noting that the above ideas all have limitations that come with their advantages. The more aspects that are considered, the more limitations will be.


Idea 1 is subject to product characteristics and is not suitable for brands with rich product categories;


Idea 2 is subject to customer preferences and is not suitable for brands with a wide range of consumer groups;


Thought 3 is challenging and subject to product features, it is not suitable for brands with low product added value or product features that are not obvious enough;


Thought 4 is quite challenging, it is easy to deviate from the brand theme, the naming needs to be extra cautious, and it is not suitable for brands that mainly focus on bulk commodities;


Thought 5 The brand effect in the early stage is insufficient, and it depends on the famous brand effect accumulated in the brand development process.


These limitations also need to be paid attention to, and the characteristics of the brand itself need to be considered comprehensively when naming. My personal suggestion is that if the capital behind the brand is strong, the market is broad, and it has lofty expansion goals, or the early-stage positioning is vague, then try to adopt the idea that the early-stage effect is average and the later-stage is not easy to make mistakes; if the brand development goal is not high, If the product or consumer entity is clear, the first four ideas can be adopted to conceive a brand name with specific appeal.


The industry applicability of the naming style is very important, and adopting the mainstream style of the industry where the brand is located is the safest choice.


Even if it is to be unconventional, it must be comprehensively considered in combination with product characteristics, industry characteristics, customer group characteristics, and brand positioning, in line with product characteristics, cater to the aesthetic preferences of designated consumer groups, and cleverly avoid naming taboos in the industry.


Brand naming principles


  • Legal: 

Legal means that it can be protected by law. No matter how good the name is, if it cannot be registered and cannot be protected by law, it is not a brand that truly belongs to itself.


Respect culture and overcome geographical restrictions:

Because of the differences in religious beliefs, historical evolution, customs and values ​​of consumers from all over the world and regions, their views on the same brand will also be different.


Easy to remember:

Many well-known brands, such as Libai, Moutai, Hongqi, Audi, Chanel, etc., are easy to remember.


Its catchy and easy to spread:

 I received such a blessing message during the festival a few years ago. I wish you a new year, Pepsi Cola, Seven Joys, Mood Sprite, Red Bull at Work, Dreams in Life, Many Oranges in Love, Everyday Wahaha, Moon Yuele Baishi, every year Lego. How about it? It's very interesting to recognize and remember.


Express product attributes:

We found that some brands, from their names, we can see their types at a glance, such as Wuliangye, Band-Aid, Colgate and so on.


Reserve extension space:

Enterprises, when they develop to a certain stage, may face diversified development. If the brand name is too close to the industry category attribute, it is not conducive to extension, such as Head & Shoulders; generally speaking, a brand name without specific interpretation and without any negative association is conducive to brand extension, such as Unilever.


Logo design considerations:


1. About Elements


Elemental taboos


Elemental taboos are actually cultural (religious) taboos. Due to the cultural differences of various countries, each country and region has certain taboos, such as the lotus flower in Japan, the numbers 9 and 4, the number 4 in South Korea, the number 13 in the United States, and the white lily in Canada and the United Kingdom. The lotus flowers, numbers, etc. I mentioned above often appear in the form of graphic elements in logo design. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that you fully understand the local cultural situation at the beginning of the project. More content, no further explanation.


Logo design must dig out all unnecessary elements


  We have a variety of elements to express ourselves in an enterprise, but not all elements need to be displayed in our design, so we have to learn to discard some unnecessary elements and keep important elements.


  Do not use materials to assemble under any circumstances


  In some designs, in order to complete the work, the knowledge simply finds some elements to piece together. Such a design is impossible to be recognized by people, and it is very likely that your piece together will cause a negative impact on the enterprise. Make sure the logo design looks like it will attract the attention of at least three people. If the logo pattern contains elements such as icons, symbols or words, a reasonable layout allows them to complement each other. Do not use clip art under any circumstances.


  2. About the shape


  There are many shapes for the logo, but it is best to design a rectangle. Because a rectangle is the easiest shape for human eyes to see clearly, but if it is too tall or too pronounced, it is not easy to identify. If possible, keep your logo square and avoid hard-to-digest layouts. Avoid complicated details.


 In addition, the unique shape of an item can be part of a brand, as well as a logo.


  3. About color


  Color is a powerful way to differentiate a brand. A color can be part of a brand, but be careful not to choose a competitor's color to design your own logo.


  4. Avoid plagiarism in logo design


  It can be said that plagiarism is common in the current society, especially in terms of design. Some new designs do not know how to start due to lack of experience, so they plagiarize a lot, which is very harmful to enterprises, especially plagiarism of famous brand enterprises. A heavy blow to the business.


  5. Dont use special effects


  Do not use special effects (including but not limited to: italics, shadows, reflections and rays, water lines, etc.). The logo graphic still looks good when set to black and white. It is still clear and legible even after the trademark design is reversed. After adjusting the size of the logo pattern, it is still clear and legible.



10 simple steps to build your own business Practical version 3-1



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