Knee dermal filler
Hyaluronic acid injection
Joint injection
Non-cross linked hyaluronic acid injection
Non-cross linked dermal filler

Feedback from Colombia customer on knee hyaluronic acid injection

Products: Non-cross Linked Hyaluronic acid injection dermal filler for knees

Simo Better Deep: 2ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml

Product Features:70% improvement in knee pain at 3 years following a single injection.

Customer source:  From web search

Customer country: Colombia

Feedback: Quality and serivice are excelente!

Order Time created: 2019-10-15, 06:35am

What's non-cross linked hyaluronic acid injection dermal filler?

Feedback from Colombia customer on knee hyaluronic acid injection

Products: Non-cross Linked Hyaluronic acid injection dermal filler for knees

Simo Better Deep: 2ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml

Product Features:70% improvement in knee pain at 3 years following a single injection.

Customer source:  From web search

Customer country: Colombia

Feedback: Since I injected myself with the hyaluronic acid that you sent me, they haven't bothered me again.

Order Time created: 2019-10-15, 06:35am

 What's non-cross linked hyaluronic acid injection dermal filler? 

In knees with osteoarthritis, the joint fluid (called synovial fluid) can break down and not provide the cushioning your knee needs. Non-cross linked hyaluronic acid injection supplements your knee joint fluid to relieve the pain and improve the knee joint's natural shock absorbingabillties.
A. cartilage wears away.
B. Bone spurs may develop
C. Joint fluid breaks down
D. Filler replaces joint fluid

 Non-cross linked hyaluronic acid injection effects 

 Non-cross linked hyaluronic acid injection treatment areas 

 Here is our sotry. 

Brief Introduction

We are now not only business partners, but more importantly, we have become good friends in each other's lives. He has introduced several customers to us, and the customers he introduced are now continuing to place orders with us.

The product quality has been well received. Although the customs clearance problem in Colombia is a common problem in the world, we have chosen a more advantageous express company to deal with the problem.

I can imagine how happy he would be to learn our story was on the site.

Looking forward to seeing you as our next customer.

Order: on Nove, 24th, 2020

After negotiation, the total products shipped are 3 pieces 2ml and 1 piece 5ml knee filler.

Injected 2.5ml each knee, and customer gave us feedback after 12 hours.

He can do all kinds of knee joint activities, even difficult ones, with 80% less pain than before the injection.

12 hours after injection: Ability to easily perform diffcult knee exercises without pain.

Feedback after one year later:

La Pregunta:  

¿Cómo está tu enfermedad de la columna y las rodillas?  ¿Te sientes mejor ahora?

Respuesta del cliente: 

De la columna he estado muy deteriorado, son lesiones que se van acumulando con el tiempo.  En cuanto a las rodillas, desde que yo mismo me inyecté el ácido hialurónico que tú me enviaste, no me han vuelto a molestar.

The question:

How is your spine and knee disease? Do you feel better now?

Customer response:

My spine has been very damaged, they are injuries that accumulate over time. As for my knees, since I injected myself with the hyaluronic acid that you sent me, they haven't bothered me again.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.





Feedback from Colombia customer on knee hyaluronic acid injection



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